29 June 2005

who are you?

across the globe and in most of outer space, people are wondering what the real doctor koala dick is. this is a highly complex question and most likely none of its resolutions will ever become widely regarded as truth. doctor koala dick is simply too big to live inside any of our little boxes. so, as you see, the real question is this: what is doctor koala dick to me? the answers to this query are more concrete, though no less myriad. to some, doctor koala dick is nothing more than a regular australian koala bear who built himself up from nothing to become one of the most respected doctors in his field, that being the field of all that is tubular, and now holds doctorates in everything from wakeboarding to nuclear ice fishing. to others, doctor koala dick is a source of solace, of support, for in these uncertain times, doctor koala dick doesn't stop grinding rails and doesn't think you should stop either. naturally, when discussing the doctor, the untold masses of illigitimate children can be a significant talking point, but it is well documented that doctor koala dick loves and takes care of his children and that most of them are now crime fighters. doctor koala dick plays air guitar better than anybody and believes it would be better if we all got down.


Anonymous said...

Koalas are not bears. They are marsupials.

Anonymous said...

you are a marsupial