29 June 2005

génération de âne

I got another parking ticket again. I refuse to participate in this nazi-fest charade being put on by the parking control enforcement. In a decent society people can park wherever the fuck they want for as along as they want too. It that means parking on the grass then so be it. I've been thinking about a way to make this parking issue go away. I think hiding in the back seat in clown make-up will probably do the trick.
I don't know how it is in your country but here, I knew kids in middle school who used to squirt cologne into their mouth to become inebriated. I know. When I was a kid, everyday I would look forward to the day when hover boards were invented and they would make me so cool I would have a threesome with punky brewster and the hot chipmunk from rescue rangers in celebration, but that day in seventh grade when I saw that kid spray ck1 in his mouth I knew it would probably never happen.
You can't expect too much from a generation of cologne drinkers. Not that all of us did it, but you knew if one did, there were others. Any social sect who lets multiple members of there group do something like that is probably going to have trouble fixing the infrastructure already in place, let alone create something cool like hover boards, light sabers or cordless thermometers.
Soon, it was 1997 and everything sucked; the plan for the reunification of Germany had failed more or less, neon was no longer cool and people got complacent with the fact that Carson Daly was banging hot chicks.
Kundera quotes Nietzsche “einmal est keinmal” What happens but once may as well have never happened. I say, tell that to the girl from the Wendy’s bathroom, and while you’re at it, ask her to stop calling me.

Fuck yeah fuck yeah I’m wearing blue jeans,
dr koala dick

Ps. Babes, Big jim slade called and he wants his speedo back.

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